A Scala API for Datomic
Using Scala 2.10 Execution Contexts & Futures, Datomic transactions are executed by Datomisca in an asynchronous & non-blocking way managed by the provided execution context. In this way, you can control in which pool of threads you want to execute your transactor requests (communicating with remote Datomic transactor).
val person = Namespace("person")
) map { tx =>
When Datomic entities are created or accessed, Datomic types (ie Clojure types) are retrieved. From Java API, all those types are seen as Object
which is not really useful. So you could end into using .asInstanceOf[T]
everywhere. Hopefully, Datomisca provides some conversion from/to Datomic types.
val s: DString = Datomic.toDatomic("toto")
val l: DLong = Datomic.toDatomic("5L")
val l: String = Datomic.fromDatomic(DString("toto"))
val s: Long = Datomic.fromDatomic(DLong(5L))
val entity = database.entity(entityId)
val name = entity.as[String](person / "name")
val age = entity.as[Long](person / "age")
Based on Scala 2.10 Macros, Datomisca provides :
// Valid query
// produces a Query with :
// - 2 input arguments (db and ?char)
// - 2 output arguments (?e ?n)
scala> Query("""
| [ :find ?e ?n
| :in $ ?char
| :where [ ?e :person/name ?n ]
| [ ?e person/character ?char ]
| ]
| """)
res0: TypedQueryAuto2[DatomicData,DatomicData,(DatomicData, DatomicData)] = [ :find ?e ?n :in $ ?char :where [?e :person/name ?n] [?e :person/character ?char] ]
// Invalid query with missing ":"
// error at compile-time
scala> Query("""
| [ :find ?e ?n
| :in $ ?char
| :where [ ?e :person/name ?n ]
| [ ?e person/character ?char ]
| ]
| """)
<console>:15: error: `]' expected but `p' found
[ ?e person/character ?char ]
Datomisca is also able to manage:
as in String InterpolationIn the future, based on type-safe Schema presented below, we will also be able to infer parameter types.
This is a very important idea in Datomic: a query is a static structure which can be built once and reused as many times as you want.
val query = Query("""
[ :find ?e ?n
:in $ ?char
:where [ ?e :person/name ?n ]
[ ?e :person/character ?char ]
Datomic.q( query, database, DRef(person.character/violent) ) map {
case (e: DLong, n: DString) => // do something
Datomic.q( query, database, DRef(person.character/clever) ) map {
case (e: DLong, n: DString) => // do something
You can build your operations add
/ retract
/ addEntity
/ retractEntity
operations in a programmatic way.
val person = Namespace("person")
// Atomic Fact ops
Fact.add(DId(Partition.USER))(person / "name" -> "tata"),
Fact.retract(DId(Partition.USER))(person / "name" -> "titi"),
Fact.partition(Partition(Namespace.DB.PART / "mypart")),
// Entity ops
person / "name" -> "toto",
person / "age" -> 30L
) map { tx =>
Schema is one of the remarkable specific features of Datomic : schema attributes contrain the type and cardinality of field of Datomic entities.
Schema attributes are just facts stored in Datomic in a special partition defining the parameters of an attribute:
In Datomisca, we have provided some helpers to create those attributes in a programmatic way. A Datomic schema is just a sequence of fact operations.
Moreover Datomisca attributes are static-typed and as you can imagine, the attribute type can be used for extended conversion features presented herebelow.
val uri = "datomic:mem://datomicschemaqueryspec"
val person = new Namespace("person") {
val character = Namespace("person.character")
val violent = AddIdent(person.character / "violent")
val weak = AddIdent(person.character / "weak")
val clever = AddIdent(person.character / "clever")
val dumb = AddIdent(person.character / "dumb")
val name = Attribute(
person / "name",
Cardinality.one).withDoc("Person's name")
val age = Attribute(
person / "age",
Cardinality.one).withDoc("Person's age")
val characters = Attribute(
person / "character",
Cardinality.many).withDoc("Person's characters")
val schema = Seq(
// attributes
name, age, characters,
// enumerated values
violent, weak, clever, dumb
Datomic.transact(schema) map { tx =>
If you wrote your schema in a DTM file for example, you can load and parse it at runtime.
Naturally doing this, you lose the power of compile-time validation.
// example with Datomic seattle sample schema
val schemaIs = current.resourceAsStream("seattle-schema.dtm").get
val schemaContent = Source.fromInputStream(schemaIs).mkString
val schema = Datomic.parseOps(schemaContent)
Datomic.transact(schema) map { tx =>
Based on previously described static-typed schema, you can build your operations add
/ retract
/ addEntity
/ retractEntity
operations in a type-safe way.
val person = Namespace("person")
object PersonSchema {
val name = Attribute(
person / "name",
Cardinality.one).withDoc("Person's name")
val age = Attribute(
person / "age",
Cardinality.one).withDoc("Person's name")
val birth = Attribute(
person / "birth",
Cardinality.one).withDoc("Person's birth date")
// OK
SchemaFact.add(DId(Partition.USER))( PersonSchema.name -> "toto" )
// ERROR at compile-time since attribute "name" is a string
SchemaFact.add(DId(Partition.USER))( PersonSchema.name -> 123L )
// OK
val e = (SchemaEntity.newBuilder
+= (PersonSchema.name -> "toto")
+= (PersonSchema.age -> 45L)
+= (PersonSchema.birth -> birthDate)
) withId DId(Partition.USER)
// ERROR at compile-time (field "name" should be a string)
val e = (SchemaEntity.newBuilder
+= (PersonSchema.name -> 123)
+= (PersonSchema.age -> 45L)
+= (PersonSchema.birth -> birthDate)
) withId DId(Partition.USER)
Based on Scala typeclass conversions and pure functional combinators, we provide this tool to build mappers to convert datomic entities from/to Scala structures such as case classes, tuples or collections. These conversions are naturally based on previously described schema typed attributes.
import Datomic._
import DatomicMapping._
case class Person(
name: String, age: Long
object PersonSchema {
val name = Attribute(
person / "name",
Cardinality.one).withDoc("Person's name")
val age = Attribute(
person / "age",
Cardinality.one).withDoc("Person's name")
val birth = Attribute(
person / "birth",
Cardinality.one).withDoc("Person's birth date")
implicit val personReader = (
PersonSchema.name .read[String] and
PersonSchema.age .read[Long] and
implicit val personWriter = (
PersonSchema.name .write[String] and
PersonSchema.age .write[Long] and
Person("toto", 30L, birthDate)
val entity = database.entity(realEntityId)
val p = DatomicMapping.fromEntity[Person](entity)
val name = entity(PersonSchema.name)
val age = entity(PersonSchema.age)
val birth = entity(PersonSchema.birth)
(p.name == name) &&
(p.age == age) &&
(p.birth == birth)