the metadata that tags this group of writes
a queue on which to return errors from workers in the thread pool (must be thread-safe)
Wait until all writes that have been queued have been written.
Wait until all writes that have been queued have been written.
Block the calling thread until all writes in the queue have been run, either with success or failure. If all the queued writes complete successfully, then this method returns true. If false, then failed batches will have been recorded in the error queue.
Note that this is an blocking call
true if the group of writes completed without errors
if interrupted while waiting
Add an Iterable collection of WriteRequests to the writer queue.
Add an Iterable collection of WriteRequests to the writer queue.
Blockingly add write requests to the queue of writes. If the collection is larger than 25, then the writes are queued in groups of 25.
an iterable collection of WriteRequests
if interrupted while waiting
A class for managing the synchronization of a group of writes.
This class facilitates the grouping of write requests.
the type of the metadata tag